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Post-Intubation Sedation & Analgesia - #MEDSHED

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💣Post-Intubation Sedation and Analgesia - #MEDSHED

🤽 As you go through your Six P's of RSI, post-intubation management should be the last thing that comes to mind. This would include post-intubation sedation and analgesia.

📭 It is crucial to ensure patient has adequate analgesia on board prior to uptitrating sedation. Oversedating a patient without addressing their pain may mask the overall clinical picture.

💉 You'll likely be working with fentanyl and propofol initially, and then additional sedatives. Deep sedation has been associated with worse outcomes. Note that dexmedetomidine does not have anticonvulsant properties.

Make sure to check out my #CodeBlueDebrief: A Clinical Pharmacotherapy YouTube & Podcast Series. 📢 LINK HERE:

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