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Licensing Exams (MPJE) and Moving for Residency? - #TheLab

In this blog, we delve into the multifaceted journey of students and professionals, exploring strategies and insights to foster development and success in academic and professional settings.


@Icy_Wafer_4458, Reddit: Post Link

Hi yall! I graduate this weekend and am stressed out about studying for NAPLEX and MPJE while getting ready to move across the country and acclimate to a new state/city. I am planning on taking the NAPLEX prior to moving (less than 40 days from today). I haven’t fully started self-studying yet but had a capstone during school for a month to help us get started. I am going to a federal facility so was planning on taking my MPJE in my home state prior to moving too. I wanted to know anyone’s experiences regarding this and if it was possible to test before moving. I am really trying to avoid taking the NAPLEX during the first couple months of residency, or take another states MPJE. Thanks in advance for any advice or shared experiences!!

2018 - 2019 Kappa Psi Northwest Providence Executive Board
2018 - 2019 Kappa Psi Northwest Providence Executive Board

Licensing Exams and Moving for Residency?

Congrats on graduating and pursuing post-graduate training! Everyone's circumstances are obviously different, and this is just what worked for me (twice) with moving and needing to take different state MPJEs. 100% of all student pharmacists should take a short amount of time for themselves, enjoy, and appreciate your accomplishment!

Before moving, I'd recommend taking the exams prior to the residency start date. If you pass, it's over with. If you fail, you at least ensure the likelihood of being able to take it again. Generally, I feel a majority of student pharmacists should pass the NAPLEX (you've spent 3 - 4 years, six-figure loans on the information...). However, pharmacy schools do a poor job of preparing their students while happily taking your money. NAPLEX will be more straightforward, and most of the questions shouldn't surprise you.

By taking the MPJE first, you get the more "difficult" exam, and regardless of the outcome, the NAPLEX drastically contrasts the amount of self-doubt during the test. What you've heard about the MPJE is true. It doesn't make sense, and the questions are intended to trick you. I obtained materials from two pharmacy schools in relation to their respective state MPJE. In my opinion, these foolishly underprepare students because the actual law is PAGES long. The powerpoints and "cheat" sheets are too generalized and skimp on the APPLICATION of the law. Application; this isn't entirely a fact-based test.

The way I guaranteed myself of having the best possible chances of passing the MPJE (1 month prior to PGY1, 3 months prior to PGY2) was spending 3 weeks studying (3 - 4 days each week) and made sure I read EVERY SINGLE statute/law/etc. provided by the respective state online. While taking the test, it seemed with how the questions and answers are articulated, there are fine details to pay attention to that you simply won't confidently be able to answer just reading the online material once or twice. I felt pretty confident on most answers since I recalled specifics with the amount of exposure I had to the exact law. Sure, some people spend zero time studying or reading anything online in hopes of barely passing. I don't leave things up to "chances". I ensured I put myself in the best position possible to succeed. I passed two different state MPJEs with scores above 80 using this approach of simply reading everything online 3 times without purchasing any of those online test banks. Good luck to you and have a great residency year!

Mark Nguyen, PharmD, BCEMP


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