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How difficult/stressful is an every other weekend staffing residency? - #TheLab

Staffing every other weekend has several positives and negatives that are really dependent on what you're wanting through a residency - here's why


u/holiday-agency-9396, Reddit - POST LINK

(One weekend staffing evenings and one weekend clinical a month.) I already feel pretty burnt out at this point, but I know I want to complete a residency. When ranking programs how much of a priority was the weekend staffing?


Just like anything else this would be dependent on what you want through a residency. Generally, staffing weekends are the best times do develop your practice and approach with providers. More staffing shifts means more patient experience.

If you're looking to do a PGY2, staffing every other weekend is a great time to get those patient experiences you'll talk about during the interview. Goals of completing a PGY1 and getting a job afterwards, not having to staff every other weekend definitely provides more schedule flexibility. However, I'd make sure the program you're looking into doesn't use that free time for project/research heavy commitments.

Personally, yes staffing every other weekend during PGY1 and PGY2 gave me less time for research and projects. Gaining those independent, direct patient experiences took my practice to the next level. They also gave me a lot of talking points during PGY2 interviews.

Good luck!

Mark, @PharmWyze

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