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đ Hepatic Encephalopathy & Hyperammonemia - #MEDSHED
đ€ General
Neuropsychiatric complication of cirrhosis and/or porto-systemic shunting. Cirrhosis leads to impaired hepatic metabolism of ammonia. Cerebral edema develops from swollen astrocytes metabolizing excess ammonia in the brain.
Clinical Presentation
Nonspecific neurologic and psychiatric effects
Muscle rigidity
Advanced liver disease
Muscle wasting
Acute Pharmacotherapy
Reduce production of ammonia and maximize removal of ammonia. Maintain potassium replacement as hypokalemia reduces renal elimination of ammonia. Address precipitating factors.
Hyperosmolar laxative that changes gastric pH, trapping intestinal ammonia, and processed for elimination
20- 30 gm solution PO/FT q 1 - 2 hours PRN 2 to 3 bowel movements/day
200 gm enema rectally q 4 - 8 hours PRN
Antibiotic that inhibits bacterial RNA synthesis, reduces ammonia-producing enteric organisms
Lactulose with rifaximin resolves HE more rapidly than lactulose alone
550 mg po BID
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